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How to Better Convert Leads On Your Website Through Calls-To-Action

How to Better Convert Leads On Your Website Through Calls-To-Action

Converting leads on your website is important to acquire new clients. Call-to-action (CTA) buttons are vital in directing traffic to important content. A call-to-action is ultimately a button you want your visitor to click so that you can give them an offer that will keep them on your website and coming back for more valuable information. Below are tips for your best CTA.

1. Place the button where your visitor can see

When new visitors come to your website, you have to give them a reason to stay longer than the few seconds it takes to skim the headline. Having your call-to-action with an appealing offer above the fold will encourage your new visitor to stick around. You also want your buttons large and eye-catching so they can be easily spotted. A way to accomplish this is to use contrasting colors on your button in relation to your homepage.


You also need a short phrase on your button. If you get too wordy, you will lose leads very quickly. Phrases like “Download Now” or “Free Trial” are much more compelling than “If You Want A Free Book, Come To This Page”.

2. Link your CTA to a specific landing page

Now that you have your visitor’s attention, make sure that your call-to-action button doesn’t direct them right back to the homepage. You want to direct them to a page relevant to what you are advertising on your button.

A specific landing page for the CTA will grab of the visitor’s interest and result in a better chance for a conversion.

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3. Utilize your thank you pages

After someone fills out a form on your website, don’t just take that lead and run with it. Keep going. Offer another download for an e-book or something that is valuable to the lead. Remember that for the potential client to download more, you should ask for more information. This helps qualify that lead even more.


With this extra offer and the information visitors provided, you will be able to keep in touch with them, and they definitely won’t forget you!