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Our Top 5 Commercials from Super Bowl XLIX

Our Top 5 Commercials from Super Bowl XLIX

This year’’s Super Bowl was one for the books, with both the climactic ending of the game and the ads in between.

The commercials were what we were hoping for and more, and there seemed to be an underlying theme of yanking at America’’s heartstrings to convey the message. This tactic proved to work with commercials such as the PSA “No More” with an average house and a woman in the background ordering pizza from a 911 dispatcher. I can only imagine how this hit home with many, many people. Although many of the ads were a buzz-kill to those watching the game, there were also ads to keep you on your toes and bring some fun. Bud Light’’s “Real Life Pac-Man” was a hit with its playfulness factor, and it made everyone wish they could have had a chance at that experience.

With so many ads to digest, here are MCG’’s favorite 5 ads. With a tally from everyone in our office, here’s why we loved each one and how effective it was in its message.

1. Always, “Like a Girl


This one blew away millions of viewers. As simple a concept as this was, it sure had the most effective message to everyone watching. Seeing the difference of how older girls and younger girls viewed the phrase “”like a girl”” was quite powerful and even the boys in the ad made quite an impact. Although the brand name wasn’’t tied back until the end, it was a message that got everyone thinking. Nice job, Always.

2. Mophie, “All-Powerless”


We are so impressed with this Super Bowl debut from Mophie. This ad gave us a little anxiety seeing the world like they portrayed it, and I know that’’s exactly how Mophie wanted everyone to feel. They also added some comedic elements; my favorite was the dog walking the human. You finally see the actor posing as God shaking his head at the reaction of the low battery on the phone. Mophie introduces their solution to save the day with their portable phone charger. It was a great execution by successfully dramatizing the feeling everyone gets when they see the red bar on their cell phone’s battery.

3. Dodge, “Wisdom”


Dodge did well hitting America in the gut about how short life is but how great it can be, while respectfully using the elderly to share their best wisdom. Then, there is a string of music, and you become more upbeat with the commercial and soon see an older gentleman gearing up his sports car. The turn that every heart took at that moment sure made this commercial a top pick of ours. It especially hit with “LIVE FAST” and “Never, ever forget where you came from”. Dodge presented their case well and in an original way to celebrate 100 years of the company. Good luck on your next 100, Dodge.

4. Fiat, “The Fiat Blue Pill”


OK, this ad could have gone one of two ways for the viewer last night. You could have hated this commercial and thought Fiat stepped over the line. OR you could have been intrigued with where this blue pill was going to end up and found what happened at the end comical. Yes, it was quite obvious that the old guy missed his mouth by a mile, but the dramatics of the path the pill took kept us guessing. The transformation of the Fiat was both original and impressive, and it definitely was effective with the message of the new and improved car.
Well played, Fiat.

5. Coca-Cola, “#MakeItHappy”


I don’t know about you, but I felt all warm and fuzzy inside after this ad. It was out of the ordinary for Coca-Cola to show a commercial like this, and I think they nailed it right on the head. Their #MakeItHappy campaign hits home with, well, everyone. With all of their real-life
situations conveyed in the 60-second spot from work to home to those terrible middle-school days, they covered a large audience. You feel the discomfort from all of the hate in the world only to find that Coke has the power to turn it all around, and that joyful music playing in the background adds yet another element to it. #MakeItHappy was a hit, and it even makes me want to grab a Coke every time I watch it.

Honorable Mention:

Although it didn’’t make it in our top 5, I had to give a shout-out to Budweiser’’s #BestBuds commercial. The concept that sprouted from 2014’’s Super Bowl ad made a comeback that got America buzzing about the adorable puppy and his Clydesdale companions. Budweiser did a great job of making the audience uneasy about the wolf, ready to attack, and in that moment the
song “I’’m Gonna Be (500 Miles)” heightened the effect of the horses galloping to his rescue. The puppy’s return elicited a big sigh of relief and made us remember why dogs are man’’s best friend. Budweiser is, too. Very classic.

We hope you enjoyed the ads from Super Bowl XLIX like we did.

– Krista Gilbert